ATMA - Investor Relations

Material Fact – New IRO


Rio de Janeiro, March 1, 2024. ATMA Participações S.A. – In Judicial Reorganization (“Company” or “ATMA” or “ATMP3”), under the terms of article 157, paragraph 4, of Law 6404, of December 15, 1976 (“Brazilian Corporate Law”), and Resolution 44, of August 23, 2021, of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM (“CVM Resolution 44”) and article 33, XXIX, of the Resolution 80 of March 29, 2022 , of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM (“CVM Resolution 80”), informs its shareholders and the general market that, the Board of the Directors, in a meeting held on this date, decided:

  1. Receive the resignation of Mr. Norair Ferreira do Carmo from the position of Finance Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer;
  2. Elect Mr. Rodrigo Santana Canhiçares as Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer; and
  3. Ratify the composition of the Company’s Statutory Board.

ATMA, through its Investor Relations Department, is available for any clarifications.

Rodrigo Santana Canhiçares
Investor Relations Officer